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The universe works in mysterious ways....

Relationships are very complicating. It some ways it a sink or swim kind of game. Below is a recent epiphany I had regarding the topic.


After my most recent break up, it was hard to even meet a guy out. let alone get laid. in the past couple of months  ( last 6) i have been trying to channel the universe to bring me a great guy. while i still have yet to meet that guy. ive had some luck meeting men. ​


ive met men who were great but just not my cup of tea. i have a firm belief that when you meet someone you will know if your attracted to them (sexually & personality). ​


then of course ive met douche bags. they seem so great at first, so interested, but then ya bang them and they are not interested. my question has always been why cant i have my cake & eat it to? well relationships dont work that way (at least most). you cant give them all the goodies right away if you want it to go somewhere. doesnt mean no kissing but not "all the way". 


all the men in recent months who i liked who turned into douche bags were men when i walked into the club/bar/work whatever the case may be i knew i was going to talk to them. so the good news is the universe is bringing the men i want to me. but then its my job to either make things work or realize that they r no good for me. and thats the part i have been failing at recently. 


my goal is to keep having the universe bring me the men i want to me (these r the ones im initially attracted too) and not start things off on the wrong foot on my end. i want a guy to like me for me, (my strong independent personality), looks, and respect me. All of that without having to sleep with them on the first date. or be pressured to sleep with them. it will be difficult since i am a sexual person and like to get it in, but if i want the perfect guy i am going to have to hold back and make sure they r worth my time first.​ also i will need help recognizing the signs when they r not interested. example bull shit excuses, not taking a phone number, not talking to you for a while etc. its easy for me to spot these flaws in my friends & other people relationships, but its hard for me to recognize these flaws when it comes to my own relationships. i feel like everyone is like that, its easy to point things out & give advice to others, but when it comes to actually taking your own advice it can be difficult. i think because people are in denial when it comes to their own life, and like to make up excuses of why people are shitty. something that i am continuously working on. 


i feel like this is my year with men, & i can't wait to go out & conquer it! universe contiune bringing those men to me & please let me have the thought & mind set to weave through the losers and to find me a winner. 

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